Getting to Hare Farm

The Oast and Shepherd’s hut are both situated at the bottom of Hare Farm’s drive, looking out on to the Brede Valley.

Hare Farm
Stubb Lane
Brede, Rye
East Sussex TN31 6BT 

By Car

The village of Brede straddles the A28 between Hastings and Tenterden. Coming from the A28 end of Stubb Lane, follow the lane for about half a mile, past houses on both sides. Hare Farm is on the right hand side, and you’ll see “Hare Farm” on a wooden sign on the bank, just before heading down a hill. 

From Rye, turn into Stubb Lane and be careful following the windy lane (there are several pot holes) and Hare Farm is on your left at the top of the very steep hill. Alternatively, avoid the potholes by continuing on the Udimore Road until you reach the village of Brede, turn left onto the A28 and then left again to head back to the farm from the opposite end of Stubb Lane. 

By Train 

Enjoy the high speed train  from St Pancras/Kings Cross to Ashford International, then take the scenic train route to Rye from there (it’s just 15 minutes) across the Romney Marsh. Hare Farm is a 10 minute drive from Rye train station. 

Or from London Victoria, stop at Robertsbridge train station and the farm is a 15-20 minute drive from there. 

Parking for the Shepherd’s Hut 

At the bottom of Hare Farm’s drive, the main farmhouse is in front of you. Veer left and follow the track to the end, where there is a field gate and the “Hut” sign. Park your car there and it’s just a very short walk through the copse to your hut. 

Parking for the Oast House 

At the bottom of Hare Farm’s drive, with the farmhouse in front of you, take a left and skirt around the back of both farm buildings, and then follow the track round them until you reach the large parking area for the Oast House. Please don’t make a short cut and park by the farmhouse which is normally occupied by our cars. 

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