Lambing Courses in 2025 are back!
20 January 2025
Our ewes have been ultra- scanned, they are definitely expecting, and so there’s no turning back now – Lambing 2025 commences 10th March and we have set the dates of 12th and 13th March for the lambing courses!
We have around 850 ewes and tegs (first-time mothers) due to lamb, and it goes without saying that lambing season is the busiest time of year on the farm. The intense spell will span 3 weeks starting 10th March, and it’s right at the beginning, when the sheds are full and the energy levels high, that we are pleased to be hosting two lambing workshops for 2025.
The Lambing Courses have been confirmed as being 10-1pm on 12th and 13th March 2025.
The details for the workshops are in the link here. In summary, for a 3 hour shift in the lambing sheds, we will be leading a group of up to 10 students across the whole lambing journey, observing all stages and getting hands-on too. The workshops will suit experienced and novice sheep keepers, vet students, or just animal lovers keen to witness the spectacle unfold. We hear year after year how grateful our students are for having such access to what goes on at lambing time. In fact, aside from open farm days where it’s busy with general public and limited on what you see, through to theory-based learning in colleges and vet practices, we believe we are the only farm in the South East to be able to offer our “students” a stage full of real-life examples, with indoor lambing of over 800 expectant mothers.
Here at Hare Farm, our mantra is maximum supervision and minimum intervention, being absolutely switched on to signs of trouble or new activity, and being proactive in preventing problems and nurturing new families from shed to field within two days. With many generations of shepherding experience passed through the Howard family (we are now the 5th generation of sheep farmers), and with a constant appetite to do better and produce the best possible lambs, we have implemented many well-oiled parts to make the moving parts of the Hare Farm lambing machine be a fascinating spectacle for students attending.
It’s Joanna who will be leading the courses, she’s been helping in the lambing sheds every year since a toddler!
We welcome everyone, 16+. Please just email Joanna at and I’ll be in touch to confirm your spot. All the details are here